Thursday 16 January 2014

The Art of Breathing

One of the simplest forms of relaxation is breathing. It is free, holds great power that leads us to wellbeing and can change our life instantly. Yoga is based on it, chanting and meditation requires it, singing needs it and without breath there is no life. So why is it so under valued? 

Is it because breathing is taken for granted? Our lungs automatically do the work for us, so is awareness really needed? The answer is a big YES! 

When we tune into the art of breathing, it lifts us into a state of happiness, openness, with a beautiful feeling of freedom. Taking slow, deep breaths oxygenates the blood, uses the full capacity of the lungs, lowers our heart beat, lowers blood pressure and brings about a feeling of relaxation. How fantastic is that!? We gain more clarity when we are relaxed, we can handle situations and people in a more positive manner and being a nicer person is a result of it. With this new found knowledge, lets bring about awareness of our breathing.

Right now as you read this blog, be aware of your breathing. Is it shallow or deep? Fast or slow? Are you breathing through your mouth or nose? Do not change it or control it, just be aware of it. How do you breathe? 

Now is the fun part - lets add some mindfulness into our breathing, how? By owning the gift of being present. 
  • Blow your nose, yes you are reading this right - there is method in the madness. 
  • Once your nose is blown, sit down and continue reading. 
  • Now start breathing through the nose only - how does it feel?
  • Slow down your breathing, by taking deep breathes in and out of the nose. 
  • Slow your breathing down even more, so it sounds like the sea crashing against rocks. 
  • Get some rhythm going, feel it. 
  • Keep it slow.
  • Close your eyes and feel your lungs expand with air.
  • Breathe even more deeply, until your lungs are so full of air there is no more room left. 
  • How do you feel? 
  • Keep it going.
  • Now lets go deeper....breathe in for the count of 3.
  • Hold your breath for the count of 3.
  • Breathe out for the count of 3.
  • Hold for the count of 3. 
  • Keep this 3x3 breathing going for 3 minutes or there about. 
  • Now open your eyes and gauge how you feel. 
We have just been mindful of our breathing, or meditated on our breathing, or performed a short pranayama (yogic breathing). The most important thing is that we were present and aware of our breathing. It is so simple. 

Doing this regularly throughout our day will change us, taking us into a blissful state of relaxation and peacefulness. It can be done anywhere, anytime and no one need know we are doing it. Do it in work when there is a feeling of stress, in the car when the kids are being noisy kids, in a massive queue where tolerance is being tested, or when an argument is brewing. Whatever the situation, we can choose this breathing technique to add relaxation into our lives. 

If you feel connected to this topic and would like to explore it further, I can offer my guided chakra meditation and chanting available to download here.

We cannot forget to breathe but we can be conscious of how we breathe! 

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