Thursday 30 January 2014

Kindness works

When was the last time you performed a random act of kindness? Give it a go, the rewards are amazing!
Doing acts of kindness is not something reserved for the select few. We can all do our part to make this world, community and environment a better place to live. It starts with us making the change.
Receiving a smile or kind gesture has the power to lift the foggiest of days. To know someone cares is the best feeling. It restores our faith in humanity and confirms we are not turning into emotionless robots. As human beings we are programmed to love, care and show kindness. We all have an immense capacity to love so lets set the wheels in everyday motion.
A kind gesture doesn’t need to be a big one, sometimes it can be the smallest ones that mean the most. One that stands out for me happened a few months ago. Being rendered helpless from having no change for the parking meter, and with internet not working on my phone I couldn’t buy it via an app. Time was of the essence and I needed to park my car. At that precise moment a person was returning to their car, and kindly offered me their ticket which had plenty time left on it. They had been quicker than anticipated and even smiled at me while giving me their ticket. I couldn’t thank them enough and learned lots from that situation. Apart from carrying extra change for tickets, I now offer my ticket to others when there is extra time left on it. I remembered my helpless feeling and how someone had helped me out, so I give back.
Kindness is contagious. When we experience it we automatically want to share it. It takes just one person to offer a gesture, which has a knock on effect for everyone else. When we give we receive, it comes back to us in a karmic full circle. So the more we offer kindness the more we will receive it from others. Imagine if we all did this…? It would transform the energy all around us and make life so much lighter.
When we want to see change in the world, we first need to become that change.


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